With the right mindset, approach, mentorship, and dedication, you can overcome your trading challenges today, just like Steven Dux. He’s a perfect example of how a burning passion can motivate someone to overcome trading challenges. For your information, Steven Dux is a young self-made day trading millionaire whose trading begun as a result of frustrations. Xiuxan Du, the firstborn of a poor Chinese family, saw his mother work for long hours to save a significant amount of money from venturing into business. Over time she managed to save money that could help her start a small shoe selling business. His father, a staunch Chinese military officer, was almost unavailable due to his work’s nature. His mother’s hardworking heart was his main inspiration to make it even better in his family. His mother took the role of upbringing him solely handed, which means she had to work extra hard to meet the family needs. Her shoe business expanded into a successful chain of business. However, after his father retired from the military, her mother sold part of her chain business to raise her two children and decided to pay her husband a considerable amount of money. The latter ventured in the real estate business, which was thriving at the moment. He succeeded in his real estate ventures, but unfortunately, he wanted his firstborn son to follow suit. The Chinese school system then could match his analytical mindset and creativity. Hence, he had to find a better place than permitted his curiosity, which was in Ohio, USA.
Why you need Duxinator High Odds Penny Trading course for your penny stocks trading today ?
1. Learn the most effective penny stock trading techniques from a trader who minted over $5 million from starting with only $27,000 in a few short years.
With his Engineering knowledge and skills, Dux realized trading was his passion and calling. His journey begun by investing only $500 and fortunately made a profit of $ 300. However, he lost about $ 14,000 his second penny stock trade involving a lump sum of $27,000 tuition fee. Indeed, this must be a frustrating moment full of self-doubt and resentment. However, with his optimistic mindset, he had his close friend loan him $ 13,000, but he was to pay with interest from the profit proceedings realized. His two close friends, Tim Grittani and Timothy Sykes, intruded him to trading penny stocks. He Dux had to go through Tim Grittani’s Trading Tickers course and Pennystocking Framework, and it was when his trading effort bore substantial results. He realized a trading profit of $60,000 from his $27,000 within less than a month and so cleared his friend as agreed. His trade experience grew, and so his fortune, and within one ten months, he had above $800,000. Fantastic. Within the next five months, his wealth had expanded to over $1.3 million, and within the next two years, his fortune was over $5 million.
2. Learn everything you need to know about the trading course, and this gives you an authority in your trading endeavours.
Today, Steven Dux has composed the Duxinator, which is an all-encompassing streaming video course. It offers incredible insights about Steven Dux’s trading methodologies to help anyone looking forward to being a successful penny stocks trader. This trading course involves analyzing and interpreting trade statistics and also monitoring setup patterns using the spreadsheet. Some of his ideal chart patterns include the shorting spikes, dip-buying large panics and first red day. Today, Steve Dux attributes his success to his curiosity to find the most efficient simplifying complex ideas to simple, understandable concepts. His engineering background plays a vital role in his penny stocks trading creativity.
What are the benefits of purchasing our Duxinator High Odds Penny Trading course today?
Apart from Duxinator, Other essential education resources for both novice and guru penny stocks traders include;
- The Daily Dux. Helps you access our premium newsletter, watch list and even chat room after remitting your yearly or monthly subscription fee.
- Effective trading techniques. Understand every bit of Duk’s penny stock trading system for better results.
- Market Intelligence. Get to know what does live trading involves and also a chance to interact with other active traders.
- Get to fully understand the stock trading basics ideal for newbies in penny stock trading.
- Master the art of making consistent profits in your penny stock trading for short and long term trading activities.
- Understand the Phycology behind the reason why some penny stock traders succeed, and others fail. For instance, a successful trader could buy penny stock that tends to fall in the morning due to pessimistic traders but rises midday.
- Get access to the most recent trading statistics from our trading experts since these can help you make informed and are over 90 % accurate.
- Learn the various risk management strategies such as avoidance, sharing, and mitigation to avoid incurring huge losses within a short while.
- Understand our top-level penny stock trading strategies.
- Feel inspired, think in terms of making millions with relatively amount of initial investment.
- Cut your penny stock trading curve by almost halfway. One of the most challenging things you can encounter in your learning is finding a genuine person to help you understand some key concepts. There are very few penny stock trader gurus, and that is why here in Duxinator, you will be among the luckiest to interact with Steven Dux himself.
- Get access to genuine trading concepts free from unnecessarily junk to prolong the content delivery time. This is a significant concern in most online tutorials you will come across.
- Discover unique day trading strategies with over 95 % win rate/
- Discover how to notice and interpret the right patterns to either start trading or quit trading to avoid making huge losses. Such trading techniques can help you master the art of profitable trading over a short time. For instance, Some of Dux’s most effective long term patterns include; Monthly breakouts, Weekly breakouts, Midday perks and Pre-market trade breakouts while short term patterns include. Passive/ parabolic short. Trade not active right now
First red day and bounce short.
- Get the gurus opinions and their comprehensive knowledge and experience such as Grittani and Timothy Sykes. You will be in a position to trade confidently, knowing you are trading for profit.
Learn how to optimize your trading strategies and plans for maximum gains.
- Most trading hacks are complicated and less informative, but Duxinator is the answer to every trading question.
- Complex trading technique simplified into simple to understand and implement steps. Become the penny stocks pro trader by owning your Duxinator course today.